Friday, May 30, 2008

Dergahayu Rob Not Only Us But Our Children Too

What you can see here is the ONLY green lung and playground for the residents and the children of Andari Townvillas and Gardenville Townvillas in Selayang Heights. Yes, it is so pathetically small that the area size is no larger than one single badminton court. To our horror, it will be shared by the soon to be 2000++ residents!

Dergahayu Sdn Bhd’s promises for more greenery, decent park, children playground and jogging tracks have all gone down to drain again.

As if being small is not bad enough, Dergahayu have now erected a new phase of Gardenville Townvillas just right next to the playground leaving almost no buffer zone between the playground and the townvillas. Take a look at the photos, they will tell a thousand words.

How can Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) approve such building plan? That leaves a BIG FAT QUESTION MARK, still NOT ANSWERED! What about adhering to the Uniform Building By-Law (Undang Undang Kecil Bangunan Seragam, 1984)? Oh, i forgot, Undang Udang “kecil” is not important! That is why they are called “kecil”. In Malaysia, everything is Boleh. Now we are becoming Malaysia Boleh “Buat Apa-Apa Saja”!! (pssst... as long as you pay you know what to you know who)

“Robbing” us and our children of what we actually deserved seems to be the routine of Dergahayu Sdn Bhd, its developer Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd & its management company Trillion Gain Sdn Bhd (see, even the name of its management company sounds so ridiculous GREEDY!)

On top of that, our children’s SAFETY seems to be on the bottom of Dergahayu’s priority list. Dergahayu are not making Selayang Heights any safer (see also “Love Thy Neighbour” posting), on the contrary, they are busy making or to be exact, “Robbing” money from us and cheating the ordinary RAKYAT like you and me, which seems to be the top of their list.

Dergahayu have NO regards for the safety of our children, just take a look at those scaffoldings erected next to the playground. What can those safety netting do in the event any of those scaffoldings collapsed? Either they seal off the playground temporarily during construction or build the Gardenville Townvillas further away from the playground. The latter option seems to be a much better option but of course again anything that favours us will never be materialised in the eye and heart of the scumbag Dergahayu Sdn Bhd.

Would you want your children playing next to a construction site?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

We Pay Dergahayu, They Gave Us Rubbish!

GREED. Absolute GREED! That is what I can say about Dergahayu Sdn Bhd. They tried so hard by squeezing in as many unit of their new project, the new Gardenville Townvillas @ Selayang Heights in the already crowded Phase 1 and just a matter of time, more in Phase 2 area. Hence, leaving insufficient space even for a decent disposal room. So they came out with this quickest and most f*ck-up ever solution that I have ever came across to so call “solve” the matter.

They placed a HUGE, yes a real HUGE rusted RUBBISH BIN on our main entrance road, greeting any and everyone entering or exiting our property.

Due to the improper placement and inappropriate rubbish bin used…

We get Leachate! Hooray!??

No, it is not some Italian delicacies. This is some real bad stuff which not many people would want to come in contact with. Perhaps the definition below would shed you some light of what leachate actually is.

Leach'ate (noun) a liquid that has percolated through or out of some substance; a liquid that has been polluted or made toxic by percolating through rubbish; a solution obtained by leaching.”

The United States EPA provides a more specific definition:

"Leachate is any liquid including any suspended components in the liquid, that has percolated through or drained from hazardous waste."

Leachate leaks and drips from the "BIG BAD BIN" and flows all the way downhill (did I mention that we are situated on an elevated land) staining the black asphalt road to brown. Needless to say, the stench is unbearable particularly to those unit closest to the bin. To make matter worse, it attracts a large swarm of unwanted buzzing visitors, FLIES!!! God knows what will come next?

What the hell is wrong with Dergahayu Sdn Bhd and Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd or it's property management company, Trillion Gain Sdn Bhd? What is wrong in their heads? How would Selayang Heights residents not angry with them? We pay them and yet they gave us RUBBISH! For shortchanging us, the Residents, again and again. Those responsible are truly....


Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (aka MPS), we know you are well aware of the issues that are going on here in Selayang Heights and we have written in our complaints to you. Please don't close your eye and ears on this. Money from the maggots are not worth the people's vote!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Messages From The Residents

On 26 April 2008 morning, the residents of Andari Townvillas came together and organised a gathering by inviting the new Selayang MP with the presence of local TV stations & presses to voice their grievances and displeasures with Dergahayu Sdn Bhd & Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd. Being their usual self, Dergahayu Sdn Bhd & Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd, are too proud and arrogant to attend, no representative were sent on that day. These were some of the messages from the residents to Dergahayu Sdn Bhd..


And more.....

Don’t you see Dergahayu, people will not be piss with you for no reason. WE are PISS! because you have CHEATED US!

By entrusting our recent votes to our new Selayang MP, lets hope he will be able to bring this matter to the limelight & let justice prevail!

See report on "Degahayu Sdn Bhd's Empty Promises" covered by Utusan Malaysia Online:

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Home Sweet Home, Except That..

I bought a unit in Andari Townvillas @ Selayang Heights based on the fact that it is one of a kind that I have ever come across in Malaysia.

Unique low rise walk up/ down concept (for I hate elevator) & the unrivaled location (near to greens & nature, NOT shops/ commercial centre as for most people). Of course, this place is not too far from KL city either. In fact, I am very satisfy with my unit (err.. after going through some renovations of course). I count myself lucky that my unit does not come with much problem, only minor leaking & some shoddy workmanship which can be rectified easily. Though having gone through many times of inspection & re-rectification with the developer, these are small matters which I can easily brush aside. See, I am NOT a compulsive whiner. If you treat me fairly, I will give you all the credit you deserved.

I still love to stay here for the cool morning mist & the refreshing winds that blow almost 24/7. Birds chirpings all day and insects humming in harmonious rhythm. During the night is most amazing, the tranquility, it is as if you are camping in the wilderness, only having all this in the comfort of your own home. For these, I would say Dergahayu Sdn Bhd did a Fantastic Job! for identifying this spot. Another plus point is that i have friendly neighbours, so far. Hoping i will never have to meet a MWAB* in time to come. For this, i could only pray.

(* man with animal brain. Animal brain should only stick with animal)

Why I can tolerate animals & not MWAB? It’s because of a simple EXPECTATION!

When it’s an animal, i expected it to behave like one, an animal. Just like when you are a man, you would be expected to behave like one too. See, no complication! But if the Expectation is BREACHED, just like the case of Dergahayu here. Well, you are, for sure, going to upset many people, including those MWABs!

Although I am satisfied with my unit, this property should (i mean MUST) also come with other COMMON FACILITIES which DERGAHAYU SDN BHD did not DULY delivered or FAIL to deliver at all. Those delivered, can HARDLY meet a simple standard EXPECTATION!

1) 24 Hour Security
It is as if there is no security at all, as good as placing a mannequin like what our Polis DiRaja did on the highways. For the current “guards” (which they don’t deserved to be called), it’s a free world, welcome all & serve all! Chanting “Masuk, masuk & masuk lagi…”. So many shortcomings that i think i’ll have to list them in a new posting.

2) Exclusive Club House, Pool & Gym
Nothing, Nil, Zip, Zilch & Zero. Yes, that bad for Phase 2. Now we were told to share Phase 1 swimming pool, with an amazing FISH POND size. Gym? Forget about treadmill & bench press. You can work out by running while carrying bricks at the nearby Gardenville Townvillas construction area. Permission from the Indon “kapala” is required. You may get paid too.

3) Covered Car Park
Nil! Lets hope for the trees to grow in 10 years time, to shade your by then faded car from the scorching sun. Count yourself lucky if you manage to find one car park, particularly on Phase 1. Budget airlines system of first come, first park applies here. No frills but plenty of thrills, if you can’t find one.

4) Access Road (via Makamah Selayang)
Fits for any toughest 4x4 challenge! The road to Rawang is not, i repeat NOT an access road. It’s merely an exit road as you can’t access from there unless you make a ridiculous far u-turn.

5) Landscaping
It seems that Dergahayu are leaving this delicate task to Mother Nature. Sigh…

6) Jogging Tracks
I didn’t know that Dergahayu’s version of jogging tracks is simply a road! Share it with parked & moving vehicles & jog at your own risk, if only you must.

7) Street Light
Phase 1 have proper ones. Phase 2’s are NOT STREET lights, those are merely garden lamps! How can it differ? Shortchange you & me of course.

8) Perimeter Fence
Recently erected due to our complaints. However, poorly erected & very flimsy. Those erected are not perimeter fence for a Gated Community. They look more like for “kandang itik” purposes. I doubt it can even keep my grandma’s goats from getting thru & fro…

What is going on in their (Dergahayu) mind? Please bear in mind that we PAID for all the above! Why do they take this insane course of action? It is for short term gain or they just think that Selayang people are just a bunch of “Dungus” (idiots) who will accept anything & not complain even if you slap them with shit on their faces!

If Dergahayu Sdn Bhd think that they will make some quick big bucks here and get away with it, THINK AGAIN…

For these you are undermining your own CREDITABILITY! Would your founder, the late Mr Alex Ng Hong Yee, condone such despicable act of CHEATING the RAKYAT’s MONEY & TRUST, if he is still around?

Only GOD knows…

His 3 SONS, definitely will & already have…

It is still not too late to redeem yourselves, just FULFILL WHAT YOU HAVE PROMISED…

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Love Thy Neighbour

On the piece of land of which our Exclusive Clubhouse should be proudly stood is now an “Exclusive Resident” aka “Rumah Kongsi” for Dergahayu’s Indonesian labourers. Separated the “Rumah Kongsi” from our homes are merely temporary makeshift hoardings, with “lubang” serving as entrance/exit which the indon workers can conveniently cross over. I have no prejudice against Indonesian workers. Without them, my house would probably cost me more. It is just that i did not sign up for a property with “Rumah Kongsi” as my “Neighbour”.

Yes, they are still our “Neighbour” as I am writing this, that work out to be MORE than ONE BIG FAT YEAR! for Phase 2 residents & ONE & A HALF YEAR! for Phase 1 residents.

Our "unwelcomed Neighbour"

The hoardings were so flimsy that they gave way on one windy day in December 2007. Luckily there were no cars parked next to it. Oh yes, along the flimsy hoardings are actually designated parking lots for the residents. How pathetic!

Now that those “lubang” has been patched, but what the heck, said those indon workers “You fools! No more short cuts? We will just use the long-existed 12m++ wide main gate of our Exclusive Resident!” which is located upon entering Andari Townvillas.
With so many high profile crime cases involving this group of people in our country currently, I don’t blame most among us have prejudice against them. Without the so called 24 hours security Dergahayu promised, it makes matter worse. Most lived in constant fear. Fearing not only those workers, but their other indon friends who come in & out unregulated. For the past one and a half year, there were a number of break-ins in Andari Townvillas which the culprits were not caught. For these, some of the residents conveniently blamed the indon workers. I pity these indon workers for most are real honest and hard working people. No one can't be 100% sure whether they are or not the culprits. What we are 100% sure is they did not choose to stay there, they were placed there by the Dergahayu's smelly rat bosses!

The fact is Andari Townvillas were built on a small piece of elevated land & the “Rumah Kongsi” is housed in the middle of this elevated land & within our perimeter fences. They could be easily relocated to an adjacent piece of vacant land located outside our gated community, which too belongs to Dergahayu Sdn Bhd. For cost savings at our expense & for not handling this matter, Dergahayu Sdn Bhd is being very IRRESPONSIBLE!!! Should any “untoward” incident do happen, may those in Dergahayu Sdn Bhd who shortchanged us be burnt in HELL! No! Throwing in Tenacious D’s Tribute or similar stunts will not spare you either!! Be prepare to be BURNT!!!

How can we Love Thy Neighbour when they are not supposed to be there in the first place?