Thursday, May 8, 2008

36 Months of Waiting, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

36 MONTHS. It is a long time to wait...

With Dergahayu Sdn Bhd around, WORRY NOT! They will be sure to guarantee you that you do not get bored while waiting. They can really throw in BIG SURPRISES specially for you!!

I am fine with the waiting, it is just i don't like surprises, especially those SHITTY one while waiting. Top of the chart, is like changing the NAME of the property which i have already purchased without any notification! I signed up for "Amandari Townvillas", to me i find the name rather peaceful & soothing, indeed it is one of the factor i took into consideration when purchasing a unit. I would definately not purchase it if it were named something like "Ahlong" or "Airmani" Townvillas!

Rumours having that Dergahayu Sdn Bhd changed the lovely "Amandari" to "Andari" for reason being an international luxury resort having the same name (yes, Amandari Resort) threaten to drag thier asses to court for infringement of you know what... The fact is that until now, the actual reason is still unknown as there were no communication from Dergahayu.

In this matter, i am extremely NOT HAPPY with Dergahayu Sdn Bhd for:

1) Treating a committed buyer like me, like one BIG FAT DUMB ASS!

Where is your courtesy to inform, you lame Dergahayu? Is this how you treat your valued buyers? I only discovered this when i happened to drop by at their showroom on one fine Sunday morning, to say good morning to one of their sales representative, after having my Sunday roti canai breakfast at a mamak store just a stone throw away. Feeling cheated & angry when the sales representative broke the un-welcomed news to me, a supposedly sunny Sunday morning took a 180 degree turn thereafter, no thanks to the lame Dergahayu. Is it so difficult for them to send us a letter informing of this change & apoligising to "a might be truly disappointed buyer" like me for replacing such lovely name to an "uncreative-lazy-last-minute-altered" name..? I don't mind if the letter is not perfume doused, a letter printed on their typical cheap-super-thin-almost-see-through paper will do just fine. Dergahayu may create some "cerita dongeng" on why the earlier name would bring bad luck to us ( actual fact to them, coz they are about to be sued), i would probably find it easier to accept their bullshit excuses than having to discover like what i have experienced above.

2) Why have Dergahayu Sdn Bhd not done their homework researching on the availability & the right to use the "Amandari" name in the very first place? They claimed to have experience way back to 1975? What experience? On never have to name a property project before or exploiting cheap foreign labours? I wonder what have Dergahayu been doing for the past 29 years? "I TOT TAT NAME CAN BE USED" lacklustered attitude shows Degahayu's sheer stupidity & ignorance. Shame on you for failing to do a simple task!

This is the 1st "KENA CON" experience that i've got from Dergahayu Sdn Bhd...not knowing more to come! :(

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