Friday, May 9, 2008

36 Months Later

After 36 months of waiting… a typical home buyer of similar kind will be delighted to move into their new home to begin a new chapter in their life.

However if you are dealing with Dergahayu Sdn Bhd, never expect anything typical for they are master of SURPRISES! Particularly SHITTY ones! They have decided that 36 months is not long enough & extended the hand over date to an unknown date.. Lots of excuses were given but the only reason that I can think of is Dergahayu’s sheer INCOMPETENCY!!

Due to this un-welcomed 2nd SURPRISE, my perfect yet simple plan of moving into our new home in Andari Townvillas Phase 2 halted indefinitely. Calling their head office for an answer is like banging yourself into a 12 inches thick bricks wall, painful & yet you get nothing. Many buyers suffered like me. I can’t imagine those who have bought the property much earlier. We are trapped in the vortex of uncertainty and laden with extra burden. For those who are temporarily renting a place to stay, like me, we suffered by paying both our housing mortgage and rental. On top of that, my yearly rental contract is expiring. Fortunately i have a landlady who understands my woes, she allows me to extend my rental till the completion of my new home. But not all are as lucky as me.

Our waiting finally ended sometime in April 2007 after receiving a letter of vacant possession from Dergahayu’s developer, Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd, printed on their typical cheap & almost see through paper. However after collecting the keys and paying a visit on site, I bumped into yet another surprise, the 3rd SURPRISE! Dergahayu HAVE NOT completed the project as promised! The surrounding area looks only half completed! The only common facility in our Phase 2 is the FRESHLY TARRED ROAD WITH SHODDY ROAD MARKINGS! Forget about what is printed on the brochure. What we see is not what we get!

Among others, NO proper street lighting, NO functional guard house, NO security guards, NO covered carpark, NO landscaping, NO Phase 2 “Exclusive” Clubhouse with pool & gym facility & worst of all, NO proper access road leading to all Selayang Heights project. The ONLY assess road via Makamah Selayang is uneven, ridden with potholes, no street light & worse than any “kampong” road! The purportedly land allocated for the Exclusive Clubhouse is now an “Exclusive Resident” aka “Rumah Kongsi” for Dergahayu’s Indonesian labourers.

Adding injury to the insult, came a letter from its developer, Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd, offering compensation for the LATE DELIVERY of our property. And this is the 2nd time Dergahayu Sdn Bhd treated me like one BIG FAT DUMB ASS!!

In a simple layman term, this is how the letter sounds:

- If you want cold hard cash, we (Dergahayu) can only pay 70% of what you deserved to be compensated. (* coz my smelly big fat rat bosses said so)

- If you want all the 100%, we (Dergahayu) will safe keep for you & use it to offset against your monthly maintenance fees. (* coz we have a fireproof safe back in our head office at Wisma Dergahayu in Cheras)

* answer you will most likely to get from their zombie employees if you were to call up their head office to ask.

Not wanting to have an induced cardiac arrest by calling Dergahayu to argue about it, i compiled all the necessary documents and headed straight to the Tribunal for Home Buyer Claims located in Pusat Bandar Damansara & in no time, I got 100% of what I deserved in a big chuck COLD HARD CASH!!

A Big Thank You to the Yang Arif & all his staffs for the silky smooth process!

I don’t know how many buyers did fall for this. For those who “kena CON” by this Dergahayu trickster, I offer my deepest sympathy. In ancient time, those who CHEATED the RAKYAT will be burnt on stake alive, stoned to death, hanged or drowned inside a pig cage! (Depending on which part of the world you are in). On our home soil, Malaya, most probably they will stab you with a KERIS!!! Yes, YOU! those big fat smelly rat bosses of Dergahayu Sdn Bhd & Syabas Pemaju Sdn Bhd!

There is something I wish to share with all. It is while waiting for the proceeding in the Tribunal. On that fine morning, Dergahayu sent this mannerless female ape named Ms J something. She is nothing but plain rude. While outside the court room, she came to me like a “pasar malam” vendor and said “Hey you there, are you the owner of Andari Townvillas?” Well I smiled and said yes, immediately she starts offering settlement outside the court. She starts by offering what she claimed is a very good deal, 80%! So i asked her what about the remaining 20% and she told me some “fiction” sob stories of which I believe she learnt from her smelly big fat rat bosses. There is a saying, "monkey see, monkey do". In her case, "Mannerless Ape See, Mannerless Ape Do!" I told her that I have my fair share of sob stories & who is going to compensate me. For that, she starts getting impatient & annoyed (judging from her expression). Finally she offered me a last deal of 90% but i rejected it. She is so rude even the Yang Arif finds her irritating. Uncertain on the outcome of the proceeding, I would have accepted the 90% deal earlier if she has been a better mannered ape.

I am VERY DISAPPOINTED with Dergahayu Sdn Bhd for:

1) Treating their valued buyers like donkey!

2) Extremely low level of accountability & responsibility!

3) Promises not delivered!

4) Dishonesty!

I have discovered that I am not alone, check out:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting know, developers like these need to have their names posted all over the internet along with their acts so that there will be less Malaysians getting conned when buying a home. I hope your place is fine now and you're living happily with your family. Best wishes.

Kena "CON" said...

Dear Anonymous, this is exactly what I am doing & thanks for your kind words. Yes, this place is very fine indeed & I thanks God that I have great neighbours too.

Now we have a team of responsible Joint Committee Members overseeing the maintenance & other related matters pertaining to our property.

Over the last couple of years, we have managed to fight for most of the shortcomings from this unscrupulous developer. As at now, we the buyers of Phase 2 are still waiting for the long due clubhouse to be built soon together with a new high end semi-d project (Blue Sky) in the ex-Rumah Kongsi land by, of course, none other than the same greedy developer. However the status of this soon to be built clubhouse is still unclear. In the event if we were not allowed to use this clubhouse, we will promise to invade this clubhouse as how the Indonesian labourers invade our property previously ;)